Hey jammers, new Frog Plushies at the Carnival Shop!

Hummingbirds are around Jamaa, hopefully I'll get one and show you what occurs. JuniperDesertBird found that if you click an empty pet slot you get a pet selection menu.

You can then select your desired pet! Playful Paw found that there is a message that AJHQ shows you if you type in the dreaded (and shunned) word . . . password . . .

Many jammer have discovered the strange copy of Jam Mart Furniture near the bridge to Zios. What do you think?

There is also a new trading glitch. If you add an item, it doesn't disappear from your inventory when you add another! You can keep adding the same item over and over.

How strange is that? Other jammers, however, only see one item. Wacky glitch all around! With the 3D item update everything has been mixed up and resized. Including blankets!

Is it just me, or are they a bit small? What other discoveries have you found around jamaa everyone? Happy jamming!

I personally like the nonmember frog plushie more than the member one... Also, I had that trading glitch! It was soo weird; I put an item on trade, it didnt go away from my inventory. and then when I tried again, the item stayed in my inventory, and DIDNT appear in my trade list! Weird... Btw, maybe you shld change it from The Animal Jam Spirit Blog for the Jammers to The Animal Jam Spirit Blog for the Jamaasians? Just an idea...
Oh really? Me too! I even have the Cami'd frog, you can stop by snowyclaw's den to always get a view of it. ;) Also wacky glitch you had, no?
DeleteHappy Jamming!
~Agent 9
lolz, I have several cami's frogs... that glitch is kind of annoying too lolz!
Everything looks weird and awkward now with the 3D o.0
DeleteWhoa, really? O.O Cool...Never seen so many frogs before on AJ...Except for being in LoveLost's den, that is. Pretty wacky. ;)
@Victory Shiverclaws
Whoa,they do look kinda creepy in a way. O.O Attack of the three diminutional figures. Sounds terrifying. O_O.........
~Agent 9
Ok,I found out that when you say 'Mixed' on animal jam it counts it as an inappropriate word O.o I was in the bunnies only party and I was a giraffe XD
Delete@Victory Shiver Claws,
DeleteI've seen people do that, but mainly water animals on land. I wonder why mixed would be counted as inappropriate.
DeletePretty strange, that the word "mixed" is counted as inappropriate... Maybe because... it could refer to... *shudders* Nevermind, I don't want to think about it. Let's just say... I understand why it is inappropriate and I agree... I've seen it before on Animal Jam, freaky stuff... O_O..........
~Agent 9
I know what ya mean, Agent 9... disgusting stuff. One time, some people in my den... never mind. O_O
i also had that glitch!! i found it really weird and awesome because people may think that u have many rares like a black worn blAnket ;) second comment! =D
ReplyDeleteyea same here.... lol they did for me it was soo fun XD
ReplyDeletewell, i had that glitch! but i got traded a member thing and put it on trade and then put the necklace on and the necklace wasn't there! so i click the member thing and then there were all necklaces on my trade! quite annoying! About the copy of JMF, i reckon it will be gone quite soon! but it does look very weird! also i think the blanket is smaller!!! very funny! i also think the 3D look is ugly! i also notised a funny thing with tigers! sleep with a necklace on and it looks like the necklace is in the paw! Looks cute to me! try it... also, what i really think about the newnonmember animal is that it was not very common so AJHQ's making it non-member.but it's not fair that members get more things and animals! also there is a glitch at the summer-carnival, so can you plese post that??? Because it's hard to keep explaining the glitch a lot! have you posted the new 'blanket'? it used to be quite rare! also for RIM, (rare item monday) they should give real rares not colored things! what do you think they should give, colored items or rares?! It is meant to be called rare item monday or RIM. Sorry for a long comment!
ReplyDeleteWell i could have made it longer :)
DeleteDefinitely rares. Nonmember rares. Well, brother, at least we get a cool-looking nonmember animal! It looked so great when I was a member... And brother, note that there are TWO new glitches for the Summer Carnival. Btw, what does JMF mean?
DeleteJam Mart Furniture!!!
Deleteoh snowy forgot to say i found out there is new slots GOOD lol i have been waiting for ages XD
DeleteOh really? Cool! I'll definitely have to check that out, thanks for notifying me, kerriecat! ;) Happy Jamming!
~Agent 9
Yea,about the items being re-sized and stuff. My sister realized that yesterday lol. ~princess93~
DeleteYeah, that's one major decoy when you 3D everything. Size... Hopefully it won't get too much of a problem, if it isn't already... Happy Jamming!
~Agent 9
ReplyDeleteHey snowy, this just in "Flag Day" will be celebrated on Animal Jam. I repeat, flag day WILL be celebrated on Animal Jam! It will be held in the Flag Shop! Make sure to stop on by! A shaman might show up! Perfect from your Jamaasian Movement. ;) For further details, just check the big calendar in Jammer Central to find out! I'm not making this up, it will occur. Happy Jamming!
~Agent 9
Have shamans ever showed up before????
DeleteHmm. . .Well, I've never celebrated flag day on Animal Jam before, so I don't know. Hopefully they will soon though. I think that would be so cool, to see them supporting flag day. ;)
~Agent 9
Shamans have showed up, but I'm. It sure if any are in the Flag Shop... People have been tracking them with AJHQ messages for ages and still have no luck.
DeleteWell, maybe, sine the "Jamaasian Movement" will be occurring around that time... Maybe they will! Could occur, never know. Or do we? O_O.....
~Agent 9
The bow and arrow isn't 3D!
DeleteI noticed that too! It might be because AJHQ didn't make all the items 3D, because the den items aren't 3D either.
Actually it is 3D, but it doesnt look as 3D as other things...
The clover balloons aren't 3D either!
DeleteHmm. . .I sense AJHQ will soon make more things (if not all) three dimensional. Since that seems to be the newest "fad" with them and all. First it was animated objects, now it is three dimensional objects. What's next? Three dimensional animated objects? Could be. ^.^
~Agent 9
I really get sick looking at the 3D DX
DeleteThat happened to me to peeps!!! But mine is major glitch. So, yesterday I got a black beta mask from trading a flag. As soon as I got the mask i put it on trade. Well, like you said, same mask was there. So I filled my whole trading list with mask. This is the weird part... So I went to jamaa and some was like "whoa! That really is a beta queen!" I was like what are you talking about??" he was like " well, I know I'm
ReplyDeletenot blind. I do see a mask in every space of your trade list." me ":O" so I trades him and I got spike collar *bad trade* But, I looked on my trade list and my mask was still there! It does it rarely now *very often* I like this glitchy glitch :3
i think the 3-D is cool
ReplyDeletei love 3D it seems very awesome
hey snowyclaw just letting u kno i hav a hummingbird 3 of them and i hav the hummingbird accesories in my den my user is coco4092 ppl can come if they want 2 see hummingbird things u get a 1,500 gem bonus, a hummingbird feeder, a birdhouse, and a free hummingbird with it. u can buy aditional hummingbirds, but not the accesories. remember user is coco4092 if ppl want 2 see b4 u get urs. i recently started a blog, www.trueajscammers.blogspot.com i hope u dont mind me advertising on ur site snowy, but i will post about ur blog on mine if u post about my blog on urs. btw i got 2 months of hummingbird membership. XD cya!
ReplyDeleteI made a new account yesterday. But after I talked with Liza I got this pop up that asked you what you wanted to do next! There was visit your den, buy clothes, etc. I did not get a picture, sorry!
I saw that too when I was making a storage account! There are pictures of what they say you can do.
DeleteSame with horned leg pads! They are so tiny! The 3D Is creeping me out! I can't wait for penguins!!!! :D
The tiaras are creepy. They look lIke a first grader just smushed clay togther to make a tiara. And it not just Clover Blankets, Royal Blankets too.
ReplyDeleteyep! i wish aj hq would turn them back to normal...
Other words/combos that possibly do this:
ReplyDeleteOut of school
What's your password
WHat time is it
Also, my friend was talking about Xena the warrior princess on Netflic, and as soon as we said Netflix, (or something' else) we got that message.
ReplyDeleteI am gonna tell ya the summer carnival glitch :)
1. I want cretic -.- cause every time i tell ya something u don't put my user PLEASE!!!!
2. You stand by the Phantom bowling game.
3. You either click the flower(s) or the leaves on the ground to the left on the other side of the build(Ings)
4 click a name tag
5. Click the game area
6. Buddy game then cancel
7. You either start running up or if it doesn't look like u r running up it click the building
DeleteHey thanks! It does work, thank you for as siting the Jamaasians, including myself, with this doozy of a glitch. We can always count on you fellow Jamaasian. ^.^
~Agent 9
There's another glitch.
DeleteOne night a ten year old girl died in the woods. Nobody could figure out how she died. DONT LOOK BACK NOW CAUSE ONCE U START READING THIS GOOD LUCK!! You will find a dead girl were u sleep tonight. If u don't want that to happen post this on 5 different post on a blog. If u do it u shall live if u don't who knows what will happen.....
ReplyDelete@cottoncandy447, I know most people do those for fun, but I just want to let other jammers know that those do NOT work.
DeletePlease do not send spam comments on other people's blogs!
i don't like the 3D part much because what if a new jammer thought tht's how it would look on him/her? it happened to my friend and now she's confused on how it would look on her lolz. Cottoncandy477? i would give u total credit! it worked! Snowyclaw should put tht on his blog!
theres a different way to do the glitch in the carnival. ^^! first ylu kinda stand between the smack the phantom and the plushie store. Second you click someones nametag. Third you click the candy shelf on the candy game. Fifth when your about to the recycleing sign you click cancel the game. Then right after that you click the top of the plushie store then click the candy shelf again. I think this one is harder then the other one though. Its just a glitch me and a few friends figured out. lol!!
ReplyDeleteI figured it out too!
Deletebtw is snowyclaw a girl or boy..?
DeleteTo my knowledge. . .I sense snowyclaw is a girl. But, you may think otherwise! I'm just giving one of my theories and all. Hope this helps. ;) Also, I know "she" has a sister, so I could be referring to the sister. . .Either way, I am going to say snowyclaw is in fact, a girl.
~Agent 9
Some items still look the same like the bows that came in Jamaalidays.
ReplyDeleteThe 3D style of the clothes look weird... I have also noticed if a wolf wears a freedom hat it looks weird.
ReplyDeleteI know snowy, I hate that the blankets are so small. I liked it better when they were just..well the way they were. So hope they do change it back.
ok so there was huge riot 4 beta days yesterday and it says where talking about inaproprate stuff im like what the heck?
I can't have a hummingbird... I mean it isn't anywhere in Jamma, and it isn't on the pet finder ether. Weird. -.-
ReplyDeleteI also found today, at 8:37 p.m., June 8, that every time someone moved, they would be in one position, and not look like they are running. Weird. I also found the glitch of the Clothing Shop as well, and also you can barley even dance! Oh, also, you know how if you are standing you are moving just a teeny tiny bit? you stay in one position, no moving. Even party hats move slowly! Really cool and weird.
@jessica8796, you can only get the hummingbirds through a membership gift certificate that you can purcahse in Animal Jam Outfitters. Snowyclaw posted about it a few posts back.
DeleteI just figured it out.
Deleteone of my buddys got banded for cusing D: she is one of my frends thats all ways oh grrr
ReplyDeletewhy did i have to dare her to do that???? shes band for a whole day!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletetheres this weird glitch on candy catch! I tried to get something and the bucket pushed it away!i had to quit that game because it kept happening. It was very weird. It keeps happening to me! Sorry, i can't give a picture, i'm not meant to send anyone things so i can play Aj