Heya jammers! Today's "rare" is the Rare Star Cape!

You can find this collectable on the first page in the Cocoa Hut clothing store. And now for our weekly jamaasian mystery. . .

The grand arches surrounding the statue of Mira in the Township have all collapsed. Vines grow on the crumbling stone. What did this place used to be? What happened there?
Why is it left in ruins?

These arches were a grand gate for Miras statue. I will post a story
ReplyDeleteChapter 1
ReplyDeleteMiras statue was nearly at ruins with the phantoms in town. Miras spirit sadly looked at the statue as the jammers fought off the phantoms. She summoned Shamans to use their powers to keep out the Phantoms. They got the Phantoms out but Miras statue was still at ruins. Jammers rebuilt the Statue to make mira happy. She was happy and flew off with joy. Jammers celebrated with the out of Phantoms
Chapter 2
Jammers settled down the next day but one Jammer wanted to protect miras statue so the couldn't torture it anymore. She decided to gather the jammers to make a big fence thing around it. One jammer said "The phantoms could slip through the fence though! how about a forcfeild of arches!" The small jammer said "I like it!" So they went to the most scientific person in Jamaa...
Chpater 3
Once the Jammers got to D.R Brady Barrs lab, D.R Barr made a potion to poor on the arches once they are made. The Jammers said ok and went to make the arches. Meanwhile with the phantom they were training. The Jammers made the arches and poored the pothino on it and made Miras Grand gate. Next Jamaasian year, Phantom POURED into Jamaa like a flood. The Jammers looked and saw only blackness in the sky. The phantoms pushed against the forcefeild though they never got through their precence on the forcefeild crushed the arch leaving it to ruins.
Chapter 4
The Phantoms left after their faliure but the arches were down. Only Jammers can enter this forcefield but noone bothered to rebuild. Plants grew after years of Jamming they wrapped around the arches- or whats left of it- and left dirt to grease it.....
Or so legends say....
wow!!! where did you find that story?
DeleteNo where really.. just made it up 0.0
DeleteHmmm.. I'm not sure about this one but I'll try!
ReplyDeleteOn the first day od the Phantoms Everything was fine, But when Jamaa struck Midnight, the Phantoms apeared. Not just 3, But a whole Coloney of them. They started smashing down walls, dens and every precious Thing of Jamaa.They Destroyed everything, But when they came to the Mira Sstatue... The shamans came! And Mira Followed with them. The leader of the pesky Phantoms pushed forward, he tried to zap down the Statue, But nothng happened. It came right back at him. At that moment Mira said "Phantom King, I am disaponinted in your heart. But hear me, You will never Kill My statue."
ReplyDelete"Why! We're Phantoms! We can do what ever we like! WE WANT TO RULE JAMAA!"Shouted the Phantom king.
"I will give you a deal, You are Allowed to rule Jamaa in your own way on Halloween.Deal?" Announced Liza.
The Phantom king Glared at his Men, "Deal, But you shall never see the last of us! Don't fix the Temples, It will be a sign that we will Return" Growled the Phantom King. "We are always prepared, me and the Shamans have a heart, But you don't" Spoke Mira. The phantom king faced his way to His hole, And lead his men there.
Legends say that One Halloween They will Break the deal, and destroy more than anyone would dream of. But nobody knows if Mira and the Shamans are Prepared, Who knows If 2012 Halloween would be Ruined by the phantoms?
maybe scary story i hope im ready well i guess that is why in the store they sell wepoins ok now i know why thanks for the story!
Deletethanks ill get my wepons on hawoeewn :D
DeleteOne day, Mira wanted something for every Jammasian to remember her by. She asked the Shamans to help her build a statue of herself with Grand Arches surrounding the Statue.Everyone loved the Statue of Mira liked how it looked with the arches. The phantoms were jelous of Mira that she got a statue and they got nothing they said to wait for the time to strike. 1 Jammasian year later... Many of the animals had forgotten about that statue and the phantoms knew it was the time to strike. (Next part in next comment)
ReplyDelete(Continued) The phantoms attacked the statue but it was protected by a force-field. They then attacked the Grand Arches.Mira was devastated when she saw the Arches in bits and pieces. Many of the animals didn't bother to rebuild the arches as they didn't care about the arches or Mira anymore. A small group of animals who still loved and remembered Mira were partially able to rebuild the broken Arches. But when they did that they disappeared.It's been a while since that incident and justice has not been restored.
ReplyDeleteBut there's still hope! If we can get lot's of Jammasian's to work together we can restore peace and Jamma Lore to Animal Jam!
ReplyDeleteI gave you a picture of my inventory, but like always, whenever I recycle an item, it shows back up the next day.
I don't know why, but this glitch is annoying!
why is everyone talking about the force field?! Geez! It's unfair to the person who wrote that amazing story, the green jewel! Stop copying the 'force field' idea! That is just so unfair and the idea is getting SUPER boring. Stop copying ideas from other people, create your OWN!
ReplyDeleteHmmmm... a Monday Rare disappointment like last week. Well at least it looks cool and its nonmember, eh?
ReplyDelete~katgoo449 the wizard/KittyinBowTie
I for once like the new "rare" item! It looks cute!!! And I think the pillars were destroyed when Mira and the phantoms fought to see who could rule jamma. They are there as part of the memorial circle of our ruler Mira!!! That's what I think!
ReplyDelete(They won't fix them cuz every time they try they fall apart because they are too old and weak.)
well, the arches were weak and peck decided to make a picture for Mother Mira. The arches were still weak from the phantoms so they broke... So Peck made the Mira statue. Well she started making it and everyone helped. Later, when Mira came back she saw it and she gave it some of her magic.Mira left the arches broken to show what terrible times there were when phantoms roamed the land and took control! If we never free the phantoms and stick together then we will be able to defeat the phantoms! The arches broke because she tried to hang the picture they all made and it floated away into the river behind the arches never to be seen again... Mira left them broken to show what terrible times they had (she could have easily fixed them, i'm sure) And the shamans and Mira vanished
ReplyDeleteHello! Look at my story several stories below. :3. It's long, I know, but it's a good story :3 Oh, and I like your story!
Deletehi sis i did look at you story
DeleteThe walls Broke when the phantoms attacked. The Shammans helped to defend Jamma and bring it back to life. So to scare the phantoms they made the Mira Statue. They could never fix the walls because they were so busy ever since....
ReplyDeletei think...
ReplyDeletethat was miras favorite peaceful spot in jamma. the phantoms couldn't get her because it was full of sunlight. but when she stayed there over night once and phantoms attacked. peck came back the next day and saw that the place was destroyed. mira was on the ground hurt. peck went over to see what was wrong. she lie still on the ground. peck made a stauge for her honor and placed it in her favorite spot. the other shamons helped to. but the next day she found out that she was not dead.
lol that was funny the next day she found out she was not dead! haha well good story tho
Deletei agree with heart dog7661
ReplyDeleteI think it was a cage to protect her but she didnt need it anymore when the phantoms were gone. But when she tried to get out, the thing started to make a mini avalanche. Mira losed power and she was buried. Over time, winter came and she froze. If you go to jamaa, and go to the stautue, you will see snowflakes around her. That means she is almost unfrozen! She is trying to get out of there to meet us!
hmmm really if that is true i can get help if i can jammers need to belive every thing wow i love that!
DeleteIt used to be a balcony overlooking her kingdom. As the phantom war proceeded and as the Phantom King wanted more- ahem, 'slaves' Mira was stuck watching her people captured, tortured, and even besieged. Mira did as much as she could with the help of Liza and Peck but that was not enough. Finally she had to do something, something she would have never done with Zios living.
ReplyDeleteMira asked Sir Gilbert if it was the right thing- to send spies and gain as much information as possible. Three spies were caught. Finally the war decreased. Mira settled a plan with the Phantom King- to sacrifice her kingdom and leave every Halloween- to give her people into the hands of the Phantoms.
As Mira grew old her balcony aged too. Finally- with Mira gone (hopefully she will come back) the balcony sank down into the ground- leaving only her statue to remember her by.
I am trying my hardest to get people to see the legend is real. I met three shamans and a guide! I remember Mira like none other. She is our mother- do we want to lose her? The legend is real- and we need to stop AJHQ before they turn Jamaa into an amusement park!
-pac10 who is willing to fight for Jamaa!
i will i belive it and i well be as sure as forever!
Delete-sighs- I can't be a spirit member cause I need an email address- and I can't get one until next year! so sad . . . anyways thanks again. why do i sound like I own a blog? IM SO DESPERATE!
Ps: hey unless I haven't checked . . . Snowy you don't seem to be answering any of your mysteries..? am I wrong? -adds quickly- I don't mean it like that. I just mean since . . . well . . . you- I haven't- why is it so hard to talk to famous people when I'm nearly as famous? (friends with a person who was ON Icarly, I am friends with an actress, and i have been on TV NOT TRYING TO BRAG!) Anyways . . . I may be wrong . . .
Legend has it that long ago when everything was peaceful in Jamaa, at the topmost place in Jamaa Township there was a temple. It wasn't like the Lost Temple of Zios, (which wasn't lost at the time), instead of a building with many hallways and chambers, it was just a circular floor with archways all around. But what made it so grand was that every morning, just before the sun came up, Mira would come there and summon all the birds to sing for her and all the Jammers who were just waking up. Then, one the sun was shining right through the archways, the Jammers would come and see Mira. All day Mira would fly around helping Jammers and enjoying listening to the birds, and then at night she would go up into the sky and sleep there. This continued on for many years. Until one day Mira wasn't there in the morning. The sky as still dark and the birds weren't singing. Later in the day, (or should I say night, because Mira wasn't there, and the sun hadn't risen), A whole group of tens of thousands of Phantoms came. All the Jammers were really scared, so the Shamans led the them to a cave in an unknown land. (It was the dark cave in Appondale). Some of the Phantoms had followed them there, and even though Phantoms love the dark, they can't see well in it! So the Jammers and Shamans were safe. But meanwhile the Phantoms were destroying everything. Stores, plants, games, rivers, you name it! Then some of the Phantoms started destroying Mira's temple. The arches crumbled, but since some of Mira's feathers were lying on the ground, and Mira is magic, the Phantoms couldn't destroy her temple completely. But their darkness kept her out of Jamaa for the next generation. But luckily, one day in summer the sun rose, and all the Phantoms saw Mira fly down toward them. Their power had been weakened by the summer, even if it was dark. Mira had her chance. She banished every single on of the Phantoms to the Phantom Vortex where they had to stay every day of the year except Day of the Phantoms. But even then, they are scared of the Jammers' costumes. You see, even if Phantoms are destructive and never think of anything else than hurting everyone, they are cowardly. (Even if they don't think about fear, they are still scared). Anyway, Mira stayed in Jamaa for the next year, and helped rebuild the buildings and the plants regrow themselves. But a little after the Jamaalidays, she had to leave. Everyone was sad and thought she would never come back. "I will," Mira promised, and flew off into the sky. After that, Mira's temple was forgotten, and the archways crumbled even more. But the Jammers didn't forget Mira. They built a statue of Mira in the center of the broken archways, and today, at the topmost place of Jamaa Township, those archways and the Mira statue are still there.
I read all of this, I love it! XD
Oh, and I edited it on Word, just a little bit. I fixed typos, and added another sentence. Should I post it?
that was cool i wish she is back it is already summer!
DeleteThanks! Me too!
Here's the edited version:
ReplyDeleteLegend has it that long ago when everything was peaceful in Jamaa, at the topmost place in Jamaa Township there was a temple. It wasn't like the Lost Temple of Zios, (which wasn't lost at the time), instead of a building with many hallways and chambers, it was just a circular floor with archways all around. But what made it so grand was that it was Mira’s temple. And every morning, just before the sun came up, Mira would come there and summon all the birds to sing for her and all the Jammers who were just waking up. Then, once the sun was shining right through the archways, the Jammers would come and see Mira. All day Mira would fly around cheering up Jammers and enjoying listening to the birds, and then at night she would go up into the sky and sleep there. This continued on for many years, until one day Mira wasn't there in the morning. The sky as still dark and the birds weren't singing. Later in the day, (or should I say night, the sun hadn't risen because Mira wasn't there), a whole group of tens of thousands of Phantoms came. All the Jammers were really scared, and the Shamans led them to a cave in an unknown land for safety. (It was the dark cave in Appondale). Some of the Phantoms had followed them there, and even though Phantoms love the dark, they can't see very well in it so they didn’t find the Shamans and Jammers. So they were safe. But meanwhile the Phantoms were destroying everything. Stores, plants, games, rivers, you name it! Then some of the Phantoms started trying to destroy Mira's temple. The arches crumbled, but since some of Mira's feathers were lying on the ground, and Mira is magic, the Phantoms couldn't destroy her temple completely. But their darkness kept her out of Jamaa for the next generation. But luckily, one day in summer the sun rose, and all the Phantoms saw Mira fly down toward them. Their power had been weakened by the darkness inside them. Mira had her chance. She banished every single one of the Phantoms to the Phantom Vortex where they had to stay every day of the year except the Day of the Phantoms. But even then, they are scared of the Jammers' costumes. You see, even if Phantoms are destructive and never think of anything else than hurting everyone, they are cowardly. (Even if they don't think about fear, they are still scared). Anyway, Mira stayed in Jamaa for the next year, and helped rebuild the buildings and the plants regrow themselves. But a little after the Jamaalidays, she had to leave. Everyone was sad and thought she would never come back. "I will," Mira promised, and flew off into the sky. After that, Mira's temple was forgotten, and the archways crumbled even more and vines grew all around them. But the Jammers didn't forget Mira. They built a statue of her in the center of the broken archways. Mira’s feathers had blown away, but there was still magic in the air around the statue. Today, at the topmost place of Jamaa Township, those forgotten temple archways and the Mira statue are still there.
ReplyDeletehe also has what looks like scary horns on...
Delete-sighs- I have seen a lot of people with NM batwings, NM pirate swords, NM chain mail armor!, NM ninja masks, NM den items- you name it (ya see a member thing I seen a NM member thin')
ps: I was once a beta too! (got a lot of beta items sorta . . . 3 maybe?)
It mite not be NM. They might have used to be a member wearing a sword them wen their membership expired it stayed on until they took it off
DeleteYou know what I've noticed- probably more than 67% of the stories (LEGENDS) say that the temple/palace crumbled under the reign of the phantoms . . . So what I'm thinkin' is that(our stories) may actually have some real 'proof' in them! 'mazin' huh?
ReplyDelete-pac10 who needs a REAL blogger account!
This is weird- I just bought a new ice den and my pets were all lined up in the middle of it, on the wall except the reindeer because that was the one I had with me at the time. And I didn't put them there!! :O
ReplyDeleteOkay, Jammers.
ReplyDeleteIt's me, KiddingMorafine.
I hacked the sword, Celene, everything.
Celene is okay with everything, she didn't get mad.
So I hope you're not mad either :D
Ajhq should actually put rares. Not different colored items
ReplyDeleteI know!!!
DeleteHi, I wrote a story about the Mira Statue several months ago (original date). Here is the link:
Please give credit to me, GreenFun, and your blog is epic!
Well… it is old, right? 😝 I know thats not the reason though.🍂🍃🍂Happy jamming, jammasians! (Not jammers)🌃
ReplyDeleteLong ago, there was no statue of Mira. Phantoms roamed everywhere, and Jammers hid in fear. But one Day of the Phantoms, the phantoms saw their true freedom, and made a parade to celebrate the their independence. Some Jammers realized their chance, and creeped up to an open meadow, with no phantoms. Even though there were no phantoms, it was dark with years of fear and misery from other Jammers hiding from the phantoms. But they saw an ax underneath the shadow of an apple tree. They chopped the trees down, ate the apples, and collected the wood in a pile. Then one Jammer had an idea. "Hey, why don't we build a statue and a house for Mira so she could come again?" All the Jammers remarked at this interesting idea. "You know, he's right! We should be helping ourselves, instead of hiding from the phantoms." Next thing you know, Jammers were shuffling all over building the statue and house. Luckily, the phantoms were still having their little parade in the Phantom Vortex. A few hours later, the phantoms came back to Town and examined the Jammers trapped in their homes. Only then did they realize that a majority of the village was gone. They searched the land, ready to punish any runaway Jammers. But the only place they forgot was that little meadow where the Jammers were building. The phantoms searched for 25 days, and still no luck. Finally, the Jammers finished the statue and the house. They cheered very loudly to help attract Mira. But unluckily, the phantoms were searching very close by. They heard the noise and came over. The Phantom King said," You should pay for your betrayal of the phantoms!" Then he yelled to his phantom troops," Call a war! ATTACK!!!" At that moment, Mira flew over at all the incredible noise. The phantoms released their full force at the Jammers. Mira and the Jammers fought and received the same amount of damage. All that fighting caused the building to be destroyed, piece by piece. At last, the Jammers won the war. Mira said,"l am proud of you for winning against the phantoms and most of all, creating the statue and house for me! Even though it lays cracked and decayed, I will keep that in my heart forever. And I shall go, and come back. There's something I need to do." and with that, Mira flew away. Months passed, and vines grew around the destroyed arches. Months of rain and snow. Suddenly, a rainbow swarmed the sky, with colors too beautiful to not dazzle the richest and most selfish king. One Jammer said,"It's Mira! She finally finished that something!" Mira flew back down, pleased with the responses. She thanked the Jammers once more, and settled into her destroyed "house". And to this day, Mira lies hidden, and the building and statue still remaining.
ReplyDeleteWow...that was quite long! BRAVO! lol
DeleteOops... Sorry, next time I include the phantom king in my stories I'll try to include DarkBreath!
DeleteAnyone know wht the monthly member gifts fir June amd July 2011 were?
ReplyDeleteHi dragono10 here...
ReplyDeleteHi dragono10 here...
ReplyDeleteHi dragono10 here...
ReplyDeleteHi dragono10 here... I have a few theories in this.... (if I am on wrong page I am talking about ruins) 1. When great Jamma first fell the very culture of it literally crumbled into a heap... 2......basically I think it has to do with the fall of Jamma
ReplyDeletethe fall of Jamaa . . . how sad . . . (but how true)
Hi dragono10 here... I have a few theories in this.... (if I am on wrong page I am talking about ruins) 1. When great Jamma first fell the very culture of it literally crumbled into a heap... 2......basically I think it has to do with the fall of Jamma
ReplyDeleteThe Mysterious Ruins
ReplyDeleteChapter One: Why me?
I awakened deep from my slumber. I reluctantly sat up in my bed and put my day clothes on. Sliding on my glove, I grumbled. "Why was it always me?", I wondered. Everything abnormal always had to happen to me. ALWAYS! My name Is Mira. I'm popular at jamaa academy due to the fact that monsters of all sorts usually come during the school day to visit me. I'm great friends with the monsters. Although, I do not see why my friends think it's cool to have a monster stalking you around 24/7. There are also some bully's at my school who like to bully me, but thats not important right now. I walked to the front door, turned off the lights, and exited my room. I dragged myself down the stairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning!", Mom exclaimed cheerfully. We're having your favorite for breakfast today, Chicken salad! "Great", I mumbled slightly cheerfully. " I sense something wrong", Mom explained. "You know you can always talk to me if having trouble. I know your school work isn't doing well right now, I can always help you considering that subject, but if it's a different subject then we ca-. "Mom!", I said loudly. I'm fine ok? "Ok", Mom said. " I just thought that..... never mind". Anyway, here's your breakfast! I grabbed my fork from across the table, but just as a was about to dig in..... -HOOOONK!- " oh that's the school bus honey!", Mom said surprised. You better go! Oh, I also packed your lunch this bag -she points to the ziplock bag she's holding- "Thanks mom!", I yelled as I ran out the door into the bus. When I got into the bus the bus driver looked at my mom like she was crazy. Then he said, " Thats one overprotective mother you got there, always calling you sweety and honey! All the bullies snickered menacingly. Rolling my eyes, I sat down. "Ignore all the haters Mira", I said to myself. They have no respect for me. I noticed an evil glint in the bully's eyes as I looked over my shoulder. Then when i saw him smile his evil smile, I knew I was in trouble.
Chapter Two: The Pursuit
I walked into school, walking toward my locker with my friends, " And did you here about last night when we prank called the manager of the Beautiful Cosmetics she was like so totally freaked out!", my friend Amber said. " Ya Ya Ya all that lame stuff is for immature children!", my other friend Dannika said. "Remember when we put ice in the principal's desk?", thats was epic! "No... that's what I call lame-ish", Amber said. "At least Mira's on my side. RIght Mira? I looked at my two friends. "Err.... ur pranks were both funny guys!", I said hesitantly. The two friends stared at each other. Then one of them said, "Let's take this fight somewhere else shall we Amber?" Amber nodded agreeingly. Then my two friends walked away, leaving me to go to my locker all by myself. Not that I couldn't go to my locker without my friends I just liked having them around me. I walked to my locker and saw a note on it. It said:
I forgot to pack you your lunch! Come to the courtyard outside and I'll give it to you!
btw just to make things clear if u r confused it was Mira's leftover breakfast that her mom packed. I found it a little confusing when I read it over like maybe people would think that the thing Mira's mom packed was her lunch. Just wanted to make things clear!
Deletethank chu for reading guys!
Delete-the continuation of chapter two-
ReplyDeleteI stared at the note wondering, how could mom possibly poste a note on my locker? She doesn't usually come to school during the daytime. Shaking away the feeling I ran to the door and walked calmly into the courtyard. As I was walking past the basketball hoop i saw a flash of humanlike characteristics shot out from behind the hoop. Before I had time to react, though, the people pulled me into a sac, and threw me unto something. I screamed and thrashed, but there was no use. i could never get free. Then, someone opened my bag and put a piece of cloth on my mouth, I felt myself starting to get drowsy, then I fell asleep. For who knows how long?
When I woke up I was tied to a pole. I saw a stream nearby and by that a town. I tried to scream for help but it was no use. my mouth was gagged. The out of the darkness appeared a man. " So your the person who attracts monsters eh?", he laughed. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" " Let's see if you can attract this one then!" A long hairy monster suddenly appeared beside him. " Oh Jamaa!", I exclaimed. That thing is ENORMOUS!
A feeling of dread filled my stomach. whats going to happen to me?
CHapter three: Dreadful Stroll
The Empress was having a good day today. It was her day off. Yes! Even empresses have days off sometimes. She was sipping her tea quietly, looking out the window. "It's once in a blue moon when I get to see the real beauty of jamaa", she said to herself. "Refill please!" She held up her cup to signal her butlers. "Same tea as usual madame?", a butler asked. Yes, Yes, Luther, same as usual please. A few minutes later her butler came back with her cup of tea. "Luther", the Empress said. "I think I'll go on a short stroll to go and pray to Zios. "As you wish madame", Luther said unemotionally. The empress quietly left her chair, and grabbed her umbrella to protect herself from the sun's harmful rays. Then she set out on what was supposed to be a nice, relaxing, stroll.
The empress usually never went anywhere without her carriage or butlers to accompany her. I know it sounded crazy but that's the way it was proper. That's the way it made it proper. She eyed the nearby wolves and animals passing by with curiosity. Since she had been destined to rule and take up her mothers chair she had never really experienced "normal" before. But i guess that was just.. you know.. tradition. She had her head down and her umbrella low so as to not attract much attention. She finally got to her destination. It was a beautiful place. It was Zios' Garden. Dedicated to the god Zios the one who was believed to have made jamaa. Just as she got there she felt a strange presence. But she ignored it and went to Zios' statue to pray. she turned her eyes to the left. "Those strange black eyes seem to have a mind of they're own", she said to herself. Then. she horrificly realized, this was a phantom she was dealing with. - to be continued-
thank chu for reading guys X3
ReplyDeleteChapter 4: Character's collide
That sick feeling was still in my stomach, and boy I did not feel good. I knew I was going to have to fight this monster, but how? Then the dark figure spoke " I will give you only one weapon for you to fight with", then he handed Mira his dagger. "That's the only thing you will be fighting with", he said. Although I doubt it will do you any good. Now Monster, attack her!!! Just as the monster was starting to move toward me I realized something. I had taken karate lessons when I was younger. Maybe I could use that too run away! Then with one swift motion I jumped over the monster high, we stood, battling like we were on the hit t.v show dancing with the stars. We jumped around for a while, dancing our pirouettes then finally the monster managed to hit one blow, he kicked me into the the sky, sending me flying off near the bushes, then, from below I saw Zios Garden. "What a beautiful sight to see from overhead I said", when I looked below one more time I saw something that shocked me immensely. It was the Empress! She was being attacked by a phantom. This is a coincidence, but coicidence or not I have got to save her. I saw a few pillars surrounding the empress and her enemy. I confidently crashed into one of them, crushing the phantom with part of the pillar that broke when I fell on it. The empress looked at me and said, Thank you! Thank you so much my dear you just saved my life! HOw can I ever repay you? Oh, I know! we'll move the zios statue somewhere else and place a statue of you right here smack dab in the middle! "Sounds Good?", the empress asked? I nodded silenty, pleased with my handiwork and quick thinking. And from that moment onward, Mira was remembered as the saver of lives. She is now the goddess of lives and hope.
Nice story!
Deletethank you! I worked very hard on it! :D
Deleteyour welcome! :)
DeleteThe 3rd time I missed a Monday rare! How do I keep track when we're all in different locations with different time zones
ReplyDeleteI also missed it for the 3rd time! the only rares I have are the orange fox hat(bought before the rare item monday was discovered) and the mech angel wings(Traded my BLUE fox hat for it T_T)what continent are you in? or any nearby countries?coz if we are in the same country,i think i can help you
ReplyDeleteThese are some amazing stories! I've read all of them, and I think I need to start a contest/reward of some sort... Hmm...
Uh... Snowyclaw,
ReplyDeleteI keep editing my story and it would just be weird posting it again because then I would have 3 stories and I might find more typos and want to edit it more and post it again! Do you know what I should do...? (Because this is your blog).
To make it look cool?If thats the case,then they suceeded XD
ReplyDeletewhat is this worth? i have one that i don't want and i don't know what its worth. please tell me. if you want it i am webkinzlover1210.