Heya jammers! The new Sun Visor is for sale in Jam Mart Clothing, just in time for the freedom of summer vacation.

From the update livieloo6 (and many others, I'm sure) noticed the addition of more animal slots for members.

Huntergirl2000 found this new addition to name options - you can now choose "lion" to be the last word of your name.

Pretty good name, don't you think? I thought I'd post what you receiver with a Hummingbird Membership (click here to purchase the new pet pack). You receive a free hummingbird pet (plus hummingbirds unlocked) as well as a few bonuses.

You receive 1500 gems, an expandable bird house, and a cute little hummingbird feeder. If you click the bird house...

Sheesh4 found that Sky High has been made into a separate game on the NG Kids site, it might be fun to play when Animal Jam is offline during updates and such.
The character is always a blue wolf, and a bit grainy, but it's still a fun and challenging game. Click here to play it.
Sheesh4 also found the addition of a horse plush only claw machine in the Horses Only Party, great for collecting!

AJHQ has also posted about pet week, be sure to look at their complete posts here, here are the two posted.
That's all for now jammers,
see you around Jamaa!

Yay first comment! I know tht Sky High is on NG KIDS! I have noticed a glitch that when you run you disappear. O.O
ReplyDelete@Mumabean * LOVE AJ *
DeleteCool, I love playing the NG Kids version of Sky High too! Hopefully AJHQ will create more versions of our other favorite games. ;) Also, weird glitch... I've got to test this, thanks! =D
~Agent 9
Thank for the info!
DeleteThat's really cool =).
DeleteHaha, i think it is pretty cool too. ^^ Snowy always creates the best posts, all from scratch too! :P Happy Jamming! =)
ReplyDeleteBtw, Snowyclaw, snowyclaw, snowyclaw, I was thinking it would be good if you put The Animal Jam Spirit Blog for the Jamaasians, instead of Jammers... Maybe it would help your movement???
Just a suggestion...
DeleteHmm. . .Not a bad idea, I'll try to notify snowyclaw (if I get on early enough) of your wonderful idea. Thanks! ;)
~Agent 9
ReplyDeleteP.s I did not say that. I am wolfgang20733 and I DONT NOT CURSE!
ReplyDeleteMy dark dragon and canidragon just hatched on dragonadopters.com! If your a dragon fan. Go to dragonadopters.com and adopt one today!
DeleteWhoa, sounds cool! ^.^ I bet many of our fine jammers would love to adopt one, that is, if they like dragons. I think some will, never know... Or do we? O.O
~Agent 9
Awesome! It sounds really great! Hey Agent9, maybe notify snowyclaw to put that on her page of other fun websites?
DeleteHaha, ok! ^^ I'll try to catch her next time she's on. =P Thank you for commenting, Jamaasian! ^.^
~Agent 9
I always thought they should put a horses only plushie claw machine! If only they would make a giraffe only arty with one of those...then we'd all be happy.
DeleteHmm. . .Maybe you're right! They could create one of those soon... Hmm...xD That would be awesome if they did. ^.^ for me though, I would prefer a monkeys only party, but that's just me... As you can see, I am an extreme fan of monkeys. ;)
~Agent 9
thanks for posting on of my humming birds! :)-frind
DeleteYep! The humming bird looks cool, hopefully I'll be able to purchase one shortly. ;) They look so adorable, just ever so much!
~Agent 9
on one of i meant lol -frind
DeleteIt's ok, happens to all of us. Even me. ;)
~Agent 9
ok the game sky high i wish i could put the gems on my acount
ReplyDelete@bobby carth
DeleteHaha, me too! ^.^ Then I would be rich! Hmm... maybe they will think of that? ;)
~Agent 9
Maybe they will do that. Club Penguin does it with their DS games.
DeleteHmm...Could occur, never know...Or do we? O_O... Well, all we have to do is email (or better yet, write to Animal Jam HQ) to come out with those and I'm sure, they will respond. ;)
~Agent 9
oh snowyclaw i just saw the animal museum has got a new name conservation museum just to let you know xxx
DeleteThanks! I'll definitely pass along your information given to the one, and only, snowyclaw! You can count on me (hopefully) to make sure the amount of information you have here, will be passed to her. ;)
~Agent 9
thanks xxx i just found out today and it started a day ago...lol happy jamming
DeleteHehe, thank you. Happy Jamming to you too! ;)
~Agent 9
While I saw playing chickensmoothie.com, you may have heard of it, I saw an ad for animal jam. I have a picture if you like.
DeleteHmm. . .Seems they are getting the word out about their game, (advertising).
Haha, nice AJHQ. ;)
~Agent 9
Yeah on tv I saw a add. Weird -awholenewworld
DeleteRufistar i play chicken smoothie too I'm Phoebe95630 on it what is your account username?
DeleteI just went on Sky High on the actual site, and my marking thingies on the giraffe didnt come up is that just me? :O
DeleteWow?! Really?! O.O Pretty strange occurrence... I'll further investigate this! Thank you for notifying me, Juniper! ;)
~Agent 9
Snowy! Thanks for putting me on the commenters! I really appreciate it! Sorry to anyone else who got pushed off the commenters list.
ReplyDeletedont soz dude we all chat anyway
DeleteSorry... I get carried away easily...
DeleteI wonder if Animal Jam's Sky High will turn out to look like that! I'd kind of like the "no music" button, but the wolf looks kind of odd...
DeleteHmm...Sounds plausible...As in, it could occur soon. Me too, I know I would definitely enjoy Sky High more if it had a "No Sound"button. Maybe for the NG Kids version of it, they will create all versions of the animals? That would be so cool! Or model Animal Jam's off of this one, the gray wolf only. Either way, it would be a nice add. ;)
~Agent 9
Snowyclaw I keep seeing people on the roof of jamaa township how do you do that glitch?
ReplyDeletePhoebe69021 here
DeleteHmm...I'll definetly notify snowyclaw of this strange occurrence located in Jamaa Township that you've seem to have spotted and found strange. Don't worry, I will pass along your feedback, thank you for contacting Animal Jam Spirit Support Headquarters where jammers like you go to play wild!
~Agent 9
Well, there are different ways to do the glitch. One of the easiest is to start by the Mira statue and the trree trunk. But this is all I'm telling you, because if I tell a glitch, I get kicked out of the group called glitchbusters. Glithbusters make up easier and working glitches for people. You could join by sending a jam a gram to the head, mrspider, aka my brother.
Deletesis you sorta did tell the glitch 1+ Chance left!
DeleteThat game (sky high) on the website is kinda glitched. If you miss a cloud by accident and fall you just keep falling and falling and falling and when you reach the ground you still fall and the background just turns white. So after a while it's like you have a little dancing wolf in the corner of a white background.
DeleteHaha, yeah... That's one minor flaw of this "new" game... It won't let you restart unless you exit out and play again... Hope they fix it soon, it can really be quite annoying, huh? ;)
~Agent 9
hey i found this spelling mistake. When you try to get a pet and you're a nonmember, you get that menu opened up, right? Well on the pet menu, the third bullet says: Collect up to -1 pets! I'm not sure members can have -1 pets...
@formerly known as meow live (nyan)
DeleteWhoa, nice find! Thank you! ;)
~Agent 9
I'm so happy that they are making penguins nonmember animals. Tho I do wish they gave NM an extra animal slot (maybe a little extra gems tho). But I sortable wanted a horse more. And that person who posted, WOW. Ã’ (tomato). Lol. But that was bad he cursed. Really bad. -awholenewworld
ReplyDeleteOh yeah I was off subject today
Thank you for giving me credit Snowy! :D
ReplyDeleteThey should let non members have more animals.... My sister is heartbroken because she has to give up her seal for a penguin...
ReplyDeleteYa, me too! I love my wolf, AND my bunny. Here's some advice: make more accounts. That way you can have more animals! If you have enough accounts, you can have all the nonmember animals in AJ!
Deleteyea, wolvesofbeyond is right! Snowy, will you email AJ HQ to let non members have 4 or 5 animal slots? i want a penguin but i'll have to give up my wolf :(.
Your welcome for telling you about the open animal slots snowy!!! (If he/she ever reads it)
ReplyDeleteAbout the new animal slots... AWESOME! I specifically told members on this blog," I hope you members get new animal slots soon!" hmm... There's a lion,penguin, and who knows what other animals could fit those slots!
ReplyDeleteOh...forgot...How do you delete your own comment? I'm just wondering, in case I make a mistake.
ReplyDeleteIm on a
ReplyDeleteHve you noticed when you look REALLY REALLY close at some of the claw games, It looks like there is a dolphin plush in the machine? Cool! maybe we will see underwater plushies soon! :D
ReplyDeleteBy the way! I have found some giraffe TOYS from Phantom Invasion! go to Heartstrong's (my other account) Den to see 2 of them. i also know that there is a third, a mechanic giraffe toy! :D
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw, when you make a new account, a tab pops up that says, "What would you like to do next?" And you and click "go to your den," "watch animal videos," "play games," or "explore Jamaa."
ReplyDeleteTI wonder what the next carnival pet plushie is... I really hope it's going to be a snake! Because I like blue and I'm a nonmember. And if you look at the stands, they have a blue snake! Also they have some sort of snake/hamster thingy in the left stands. Weird... They should make more slots for nonmembers!
ReplyDeleteSnowy! Today I saw a seal with the name," King of the Jungle". Isnt it only lions that have that name? I forgot their user...
ReplyDeleteits a glitch lameo
DeleteWhere is the Sky high game on NGK???! I can't seem to find it >:(
ReplyDelete~Kiki51772/ El Spidey :D
ReplyDeleteis link for beta version of sky high.