Saturday, July 4, 2015

Spirit Artwork #28

Phew. The Summer Carnival sure is crowded today. You push through a large mass of jammers, suddenly feeling the need for some fresh air. Finally, after many frustrating collisions, you manage to squeeze through an opening, popping out of the crowd and into an eerily empty area of the carnival: the coloring booth. The flags draped above it flap fitfully in the wind, their colors dull and faded. The supplies piled in a shelf near the back of the booth are all covered with a fine layer of dust, seemingly untouched for years. A sparse cover of papers upon which various animals are printed lay on the forlorn-looking desk in the cool shade. You bend over to squint at them, wondering how they had managed to stay on the desktop without being blown away.

To start off, we a lovely set of pieces by Catniss Everdeen. You draw eyes very elegantly, and I can't help but notice how you've matched the backgrounds of your photos with the colors of your drawings. Talk about deliberate.

Next, we have some amazing art by lucykate651. Your linework is always well-defined, and your animations are so smooth! I could stare at that walk cycle all day.

Now, we have some adorable Snowyclaw fanart by Kelly28816. I love how you've simplified Snowy's markings, effectively giving this headshot its own style.

PinkiePromise10 sent in this fabulous duo of sketches. Your lineart is absolutely gorgeous! ...And I especially like the matching accessories you've added to the character in the first piece.

Here we have a couple of pieces by The Lone Wolf 2413, also known as Dolphingirl2424. You have a very good sense of form, both in your sculpture and minimalist drawing.

This intricate piece is brought to us by NutterButtersTigerclaw. That outfit is sooo detailed and ornate. It is clear that you spent a lot of time drawing in every little tiny gem. 

Tribal Bunnies AJ Jamaa brings us a piece depicting their llama. The simplicity makes it pleasing to look at, and the slight shading brings it all together. The little string popping out of the sweater is also a nice touch, connecting it with the item in the game.

This piece was sent in by LilypadAJ, also known as Joy Tringo. The most prominent aspect of this art would be that it is a closeup, and it puts the most focus on details such as the eyes and nose, and that single tuft of differently-colored hair.

Behold this very interesting piece by Lleapard. The technique by which it is drawn, that is, all those fleeting dots, really reminds me of Impressionism. I have to admit, this piece really stood out to me.

What a cute little fanart for the blog, sent in by Vilot the wolf! I especially like how you've incorporated Snowy's swirl pattern into the text design.

Here are some cute pieces by ginia100! I love the light, pastelly colors you've used. They suit your style. And the small animation you've added is really eye-catching!

These colorful pieces were sent in by Tigerschwam. Not only do the colors themselves pop, but you've included bright highlights to set your art apart from the rest!

This peculiar piece is brought to us by koalasrock55082. This is an interesting design for an egg. I wonder what will hatch from it? I also like how you've created a nice contrast by using a dark background with the lighter colors of the egg.

We finish this post off with a fanart of Snowy's wolf by wallywow123. You've toned down all of the colors, most noticeably the gems on the tail armor, leaving the brightest spot to be near the face - the eyes and the antlers. This is a very good technique to get the viewer looking where you want.

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