One of the top speculations recently is when the new land will come out, so I want to ask you jammers this question:
What should the new land be called? What should it look like? Which shaman should live there?
Answer as best you can, make sure it's detailed! I'll continue with AJ Ponders if you all like responding to them. See you in Jamaa!

dear, snowyclaw
ReplyDeleteits me, yomamajama. Anyway, i have ideas for the new land. I think the new land should be called riviera or something that involves rivers or water. Sense rhinos recently came out I think the land should idolize the rhinos. I also think the land itself should be full of rivers intersecting with spots of land peaking out of the rushing water. Above all the rivers should be a waterfall flowing from the melting ice high atop the mountains. North of the river, I think there should be a hill with some form of building or shack, such as the juice hut or the cocoa hut. This land to me sounds like it is full of water, green plants, and most importantly fish that would spring out of the rushing rivers that are flowing twords the rest of jamma.
anyways those are my ideas. I hope the new land is all that and more. Your blog fan, and friend
@ yomamajama
ReplyDeleteThat sounds amazing! I hope AJ HQ sees this post, it sounds like the perfect new land!
I hope they make the place soon. I've been hoping for it..
DeleteI think this new land should be called "River Rock", but that really doesn't sound like it would be a name for a new land... But if you didn't notice, this new area is the source of all rivers in Jamaa! And in the Appondale, you can see a passage way to this land! I sure hope that this new land has something "original" in it... By "original", I mean something that no other land has, like the mud puddle in Appondale.
ReplyDeleteI think the new land should be called "Watopia", as in Water and Utopia combined. Since it a huge grassland with rivers going through it and mountains surrounding it, I think the new animal should be an elk, although then it would be hard to wear antlers. Also, the new shaman should be called "Velvet", since antlers are covered in fuzzy material (which is actually mentioned to be velvet).
ReplyDeleteI think the new land should be called "River Run" Animal Jam has to have some fun names into their lands. As you enter, you are blocked with a huge river, and the only way to get across is by swimming into it. As you enter to the other side, you see Peck's den sitting on top of a large hill. You try to climb up, but you are blocked with a huge door with a symbol of Peck's head.
ReplyDeleteAs you get back down the hill, you are greeted with a new clothing building, called the "Shopper's Deluxe" Although, it is still closed. That is my idea for the new land.
Snowy i just got myself a blog
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw i need your help for my blog
ReplyDelete@Blossom Berryflower~
ReplyDeleteThat actually sounds like an awesome name for the new land! That's exactly what I posted about a while ago, in late June. You can see the post titled "The Next Land" if you're interested. It'd be great to have another fun activity in Jamaa!
That sounds so fun! I agree elk would be really cool, maybe for when you where antlers (item) there could be double antlers! "Velvet" would be a great name, but doesn't the velvet shed after the antlers grow? Or am I mixing that up with deer? (The velvet is actually a small amount of skin and fur covering blood vessels and tissue which make the antlers grow.)
That sounds really exciting, especially swimming through a river to get there. It'd be a great place for Peck to live. Don't forget her art studio in Coral Canyons! Notice that there isn't any words in Jamaa (besides chat and labels on top right of screen), at least I can't find any yet...
Of course I'll help! Where should we meet?? Chat or Jamaa... See you soon!
@snowy chat but tommorow or today if u can be on at 10:00 Pm
ReplyDeleteI think It should be called the everland with a dam to get to the islands with a hut made out of mud at the river bank~aurorakismet9
ReplyDeleteFor some reason your idea made me think of beavers! Wouldn't they be an awesome new animal?? And the new den would be a den with a river and beaver lodge! That would be awesome! :D
Wow thanks!
ReplyDeleteSnowyclaw your right the beaver would be cool but what the shamans name be? I got the idea from coral canyons and the wood chuck.~aurorakismet9
ReplyDeleteI don't know, what do you think?
I think that the new land should be called River Flats Because there is a large river and almost the whole land is flat. You shoal be able to enter from Appondale and when you get in the land it will have a strip of land then in the middle there will be a river with rocks to cross it (or you can swim) and there should be a door in the water fall where a shop should be then when you cross the river there should be a cave thats the shaman would live in and a new game. Also I think that the new animal should be a Zebra because in the National Geographics for kids In the animaljam add there was a Zebra character in the picture. And i think the Zebra Shaman should be named Stripe's Because of Zebra's stripe's
ReplyDeleteI know now!it's name could be bucky.and there should be a new game about a moose running away from a bear. And there could be a game like the claw but you fish.and Bucky would be a expert den builder.hmm... Now that I thought of it there should be non member pet fish! It would look funny out of water! I am thinking about fish.*sigh*~aurorakismet9 *thinks about long lost pet fish elephant*
ReplyDeleteHmm... The shaman beaver could live in a cliff on the side of the mountain and there should be tons more spirit stones and appolandale had two animals so the elk and the beaver!~aurorakismet9
ReplyDeleteI think this land should be called aquarius. I think that's a zodiac symbol. Anyway, I think this land should idolize the crocs and should have another animal with it like a type of bird. Has anyone else noticed the absence of birds as animals, pets,etc.?
ReplyDeleteMaybe the new land should be called "Rivamil",because Wando20 is right,there is a little river there.There is sand everywhere,with two huge boulders blocking your way.You click them both,and they move away.The little stream runs vertically,and you have to have some special foot thing around your legs,and you can find them near the rocks you moved.It's glowing,so you should be able to find it.When you get over the river,there are games and a shop called "Safari Finds".There is also this huge tree,and inside is a small rock that blocks your way in.It's Greely's new home,and he comes out when all jammers are wolves that cross the river with the special leg thing.:)
ReplyDeleteI believe it's a swamp or marsh as some may call it. Also do you know the Canyons Pathway? How it has it's own section on the map but you can't click on it? Well look there! There's a section just like that and it has mountains running down it! Some may not see it but it's in the left side bottom corner.
When will the land come out??? It's been so long. I think it will have a big pond and a waterfall! I can't wait! And if you go around the Mira saute in Jamaatownship, you can see part of a land.
ReplyDeleteWell i know what that place wonders here is the story......
ReplyDeleteWell when i just started it said up at the top unknown place. The wolf shaman Greely Showed my it....
There was..... should i tell you???
PHANTOMS! [antoms it wasbut now from it iyt still lives on...... soon you will sek those phantoms.... And thats the story of tht place
I think it should be called Wasu Plains or something like that. It looks very interesting, and as mentioned before all the rivers start there. I'm betting the new animal could be an elk or something, as many think as well, but it could be an otter (I LUFF THEM) instead. The shaman could be shaman-y and obviously something :D It looks like it has islands and awesome stuff. So maybe it could be a marine iguana too. Or that could be a pet :D The shaman should be a river otter, and named something appropriate for otters. I'd say Fluffy, but that doesn't sound too proffesional. :D
ReplyDeleteMaybe the place should be called Rivery Mountains because it has Rivers flowing through it and it is surrounded by mountains! If you look at the world map, it also could be called Waterfall plains because the water starts there and there is a big waterfall! There should be a new game or two, like one called Fiendly Fish! You have to catch all the fish swimming past the river... They should bring out Crabs for animals and the Crab shaman lives there! Also the Penguin Shaman and if AJ HQ wants, the Horse Shaman. I call the Penguin Penelope and the Horse Heather... Sometimes the Penguin Peter... depends if the Penguin is a boy or a girl! The glitch there should be you are near the waterfall you click the other side of the waterfall, sorta like the Zios glitch, keep clicking each side until u run up the waterfall!!!!!!! Thats all my ideas... OH! There should be a shop were they sell plants and a clothes shop where the sell leaf necklaces and roce braclets and that. thats all of my ideas! See you LATER!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteP.S snowyclaw on your account snowyclaw1 you wont talk to me!!!!! WHY?!?!!?!?!
I don’t think there is a penguin, horse, or giraffe shaman because I don’t think they were the first original animals like the other shamans... Seals as an exception.
Seal shaman in mount shiveer
Deletehai snowyclaw.. um.... im Cakeish, i just heard about u =P.... this land should b called Waters of Legend, and there should b a Jaguare animal to play as, and that should be the shamann there.... crap did i spell that right? anyway, there should be a beta item store there tht comes at random times then disappears, and only on fridays. hope this helps! =3
ReplyDelete~SOOO awkward cuz i dont know u, Cakeish
Flora Islands! Because in the middle of the river it has ISLANDS!
Snowy!!! I know!!! This should come out with the giraffes! The giraffe shaman should live there. It wood be named Freshwater Valley!!! They could have a store too! The big river wood be strait thru the land. then at the vary end of the river was a path thru the little mountains that wood lead you to.......The Appondle! Maybe thats the mysterious Path back there.....
THATS A PERFECT IDEA!!! but theres one thing missing, the shaman's name! what do you think its name should be? I'm thinking malaia. we need some girl shamans. so far there is only one. but since its surroundings all have legendary names, I'm thinking anomalya waters!
DeleteI forgot 1 thing..... at the start of the river wood b a.......................................................WATERFALL!!!
I sent AJ HQ a message saying thAT they make it a land! I hope they listen!
ReplyDeleteI think the land should be called Rocky Mountains, but I don’t know what shaman should live there.... Maybe the the tiger shaman?
i think it should be called breezy falls. And the shaman that lives the is ruby the rhino shaman.
ReplyDeleteIn MY opinion, the land should be called Aivary Mountain. Either the croc shaman (Cornelius) or the horse shaman should live there. Aivary Mountain has a shop where you can buy some historic figures of Jamaa. (like Phantom Statue) A hot spring will be in the bottom-right corner of Aivary Mountain. Aivary Mountain also has a game called Cave Maze. The goal of Cave Maze is to get out of the cave maze BEFORE the phantoms catch you or time runs out. Aivary Mountain links to Appondale and Mt. Shiveer easily, but it might have a chance to be linked to Coral Canyons. There is also a history museum for where you can check out some real life people that have changed history and it also has Earth's history inside, at the top-left corner of Aivary Mountain. In the middle, there should be a pit where you can fall in and go all the way to Deep Blue OR Kani Cove. The secret for Aivary Mountain is that if you sleep in the hot spring (crocs or horses only), either Cornelius or the horse shaman will come alive from the rocks and actually give you something. (A very rare Jamaa Statue) Aivary Mountain is full of birds, and if you click one of them, they will either chirp with happiness OR they will squawk angrily and fly away, but the angry bird comes back. Aivary Mountain also has a BIG statue of all the shamans in the top-right corner. This is what Aivary Mountain should look like. :)
ReplyDelete~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
P.S.- The second secret of Aivary Mountain is that if you click the birds in a certain order, Mira will land in front of you and asks you for a wish. You type in what you want (If you want a den item OR a clothing item, choose the color, no pets allowed during the wish... [I mean that you can't wish for a pet...]), and Mira will give it to you for FREE. Mira will also give you 100,000 gems IF you put Mira at the end of your wish. If you do the birds in order, and ALL the birds chirp happily, Zios will go in front of you and give you a Phantom Wand (Paw clothing, Nonmember) and, like Mira, will grant your wish, BUT he can take THREE wishes, not one. I hope this is a good idea!
Delete~ The One and Only True Spider Fan
Wow. Dude, I am a spider fan to0! And my birthdays acomin'
DeleteI think it will be a cute little meadow and maybe it'll be called Ricka?? I have no clue! Maybe Otto will live there! (Otto the Elephant shaman)
it should be called the jamaa montens and the shaman should be the croc shaman
ReplyDeleteI think the new land should be called mudriver swamp XD and it should be for the crocodile shaman it should have a part made entirely of water and u should be able to go kind of underwater
ReplyDeletebtw my username on animal jam is meower19599
my friend though the new land should be called kolatrapic i think it should be called....nietherlands! ok maybe thats a weird name it should let all animals be there so it can be fair like the other lands it should have a medow and trees and rivers something more like nature and not alot of stores i think the place should be peaceful and adventurious
ReplyDeleteIt is going to be called Swimming Trails and it will be a lot like Bahari Bay except..well....different. It will have pathways leading to all sorts of places, and will have a shop, which sells Walrus Tusks and Underwater Eggplants. It will also have a new animal coming out along with it-a whale. it will also have various treasure chests scattered around the place, which you can open and get gems from. And the shaman that lives there will be named Ulysses, the whale shaman. Beleive it or not, this entire thing was a dream I had a few days ago, but it seems so real. I can't really describe it any further, but it's like pictured in my mind so vividly, and I really hope it comes out. And yes, it is in the only underwater land space left which is left of Crystal Reef and south of Temple of Zios. This is my dream land and I really really really hope with all my heart that it is made.
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ReplyDeletekeep it up.
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