Something crazy is going on in Jamaa! I was at my den when iamcool2c2 and meow78 came and told me about the glitch. They told me a few jammers who were nonmember, but had member items on! Supposedly there are jammers like this spotted all over. Here are the two we know of (click for better view):
Have you seen jammers like this around jamaa? I think it might be because these jammers signed up for membership, but their accounts don't change fast enough. What do you think, guys?

Im a non member now and im wearing member items...
@ 98lovecats
ReplyDeleteReally?! O.O Weird...
I asked someone once who was wearing a member item, and they said it just stayed on after there membership expired. I have a non member friend that, for a long time, wore a sword..
The weirdest I've seen is that once I saw a non member in an elephant animal....O.O
ReplyDeleteI've heard that too! I wonder what happens with your animals after your member ship expires, maybe the first two you get to keep?
I've seen and she's my buddy but a person with a non member FOX. (really late i know)
Deletethat happened to my friend 2soulsinafishbowl
I know right i know how to do that it so easy! ill tell you soon :)
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure they just wore the items when they were members, and never took them off.
ik why it bcuz they used to be members
ReplyDeleteI know, but it seems like a lot all of a sudden. I wonder if there's something else...
Its because they were beta testers. During beta testing there was no membership, so they could wear whatever they wanted, they just never took it off.
Deletesnowyclaw, i know why they are wearing member items, because, a long time ago, everything was nonmembers, they didnt hav members back then
My friend darkthunder2011 is a member I think but I had a weird glithch where it said she wasn't a member!! I don't know if she is a member or not but I changed her animal and for a second it said she was a member.
ReplyDeleteMy grandson is rubbin99 cuz his dad and uncal evilmastersam is my son ~dragontiger123
ReplyDeletemy brother is bleachisawesome3 and paola1223 is my granddaughter idk just had to say that :P~prettyprincess1o
ReplyDeleteomg my friend's membership expired and she got to keep all 8 of her animals! even the elephant and the rhino! but her brother's didn't and they got them at the same time! weird
ReplyDeletep.s. my other friend on animal jam is a nonmem but she was wearing a legendary glove and ninja mask on her rabbit...! and one of my member friends was on AJ with me and i clicked on their name tag to do a trade and the name tag on their player card was a nonmember tag... it is totally weird. probably just AJ HQ's programming software acting odd though.
ReplyDeleteI have a theory about that. Since there names are so simple and short, I think that the were in beta because you would have to be one of the first jammers to get a short user name. In beta, there were no memberships so all items were non member. None of those items they were wearing are that new, so maybe all beta items are non member! maybe.
ReplyDeleteHow do you keep a member item on? When my membership expires all member items are taken off my animals.
ReplyDeleteI've seen a RHINO in Jamaa Township, that was a NON MEMBER!!!!!
I once saw a monkey with a sword on o.O
ReplyDeleteOh ya, I have a friend who's nonmember and has a sword on! She had it on for a long time…and a glove…
I have seen a non-member rhino. yes, she is beta, but this was an old deal after beta. Non-members wither member clothing on is a beta. I am NOT a beta, but i do play a game in beta testing :)
ReplyDelete@spirithowl (ik im not a blogger) that rhino is supermonkeys, and this was an old deal you could do. only very few has kept it on the member animals. the old deal was after beta. -purplebelle1
ReplyDeleteMy non member friend said her computer glitched and she had member ship for a week! It didnt let her color her name, but she could wear member accesories and but member things, etc. maybe its something like that.
My non member friend said her computer glitched and she had member ship for a week! It didnt let her color her name, but she could wear member accesories and but member things, etc. maybe its something like that.
My friend RABIES7 is non member has a member. Bow and a dragon glove and horns and a green headdress. She might not now she traded me almost ALL her stuff... my User is whitneyhayek1867... I'm on right now.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousJune 22, 2012 7:53 AM
ReplyDeleteMy friend RABIES7 is non member has a member. Bow and a dragon glove and horns and a green headdress. She might not now she traded me almost ALL her stuff... my User is whitneyhayek1867... I'm on right now.
its a cheat...i dont know the code and im a member and i DONT need it...
ReplyDeleteI search jammers with simple names (like dog) and they sometimes have member items. I think it's because they were from beta and beta items were all for non members =3
ReplyDeleteALSO, today I saw a non member with purple bat wings!
One of my old buddies was wearing a headdress when she was non member!!! XD
ReplyDeletean aj mix-up. they r rly members but it SAYS thhey are non members
ReplyDeleteI know a couple: search the names:
-pac10 (Who hates dolls)
When my membership expired, I was told that I could still wear whatever I was wearing and still keep 2 member animals, but I guess they were wrong cus' all my stuff disappeared. Buddy me! -Miakate
ReplyDeleteIkr! Ppl r so mean sometimes >:T
DeleteOk I just traded my Mech Angel Wings and got an orange member sword,I wanna wear it but it's a member item.How do I wear it?
ReplyDeleteBuddy me,my username is PIGGYWOLF all caps no spaces
I know it's really late to post comments here now, but it's a really strange glitch, I must say. Anyway I have been going through to read every single post you have ever posted. I started to read the 2011 ones and I'm going up from them to the 2013 so yeah. Anyway you probably don't remember me, but I'm slipperyseal45.... I send you pointless jam a grams when I am bored....
I heard that if you were in Beta, after Beta ended, you were allowed to pick two member items to be non-member, because membership was being introduced...At least that's what I've heard...
ReplyDeleteCheers, Sriha123
u cant wear member swords cause they are for members xD nm wear PIRATE swords . Pirate swords are for all jammer , though member swords are in store :/
ReplyDeletethere are nm swords too
ReplyDeleteUh guys i want to have a membership would you guys make me member? this is my username:Elishane7 password:elishane
ReplyDeleteif u do my member i will give u rares and beta its cool