Sunday, February 1, 2015

Spirit Artwork #16

You are exploring the underwater expanse known as Kani Cove. You playfully frolic about the colorful plants swaying in the current. As you continue, you begin to notice objects strewn across the seafloor. Splintered pieces of wood, broken barrels, worn pieces of cloth, all topped with a layer of corals and barnacles. A massive shadow looms over you as you edge closer to the abandoned objects. You look up. An eerie sunken ship obstructs your view of the sun. Cautiously, you enter the vessel through a large hole in the side. Seaweed hangs from the ceiling; barnacles line the walls. Among the scattered objects inside are a tattered unrecognizable flag, a large cracked vase, a globe, a treasure chest... You open the treasure chest, hoping to find glorious riches, but all it contains is a few papers. You decide to inspect them...

Lovely artwork sent in by Ryan! I love how the items are accurate to the game, but somehow, you've added your own style twist to them. The neat lines, colors and expressions help make each character unique. 

A wonderful piece by akotaspirit! One can truly feel the tension between Knight and Pouncing as they bound for the finish line. The poses help give a sense of movement to this friendly bout of competition.

A cute, yet sassy cat princess sent in by snowflakeyoyo212! The expression on her face, coupled with the object she is holding, really makes the viewer wonder... The simple shading is also very nice. 

By lucykate651! The bright eyes of the character stand out very well against its dark fur and the dark background. They draw attention to the distant, aloof expression of this canine, as well as the teary-eyed face of the younger one. The high-contrast shading gives a feeling of foreboding.  

Pretty good for your first-ever fullbody drawing, Kelly! You've got the head down; I'd suggest adding more bend to the legs. Your lines are also very smooth. Great job!

Amazing arctic wolf art by Luckyclover8989! I adore the shading on the grey part of the fur, as well as the subtle gradient shading on the white part. The lineart is very nice and neat, too.

If you'd like to check out some of my artwork, check out my deviantART or my Youtube. If you'd like your art to be featured, then please send it to!

Hmm, well, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and make myself a namecard thingamajig... Do you  peeps like it?