Invisible Items
An often happening is items not appearing in your trading list or clothing slots. Here are some examples:

Running Twin
A Jammer with the same name and user running in place, frozen speaking, while the real one is near by. Only a few Jammers are able to see it at once.

When midway apparent the void "sticks" to your character, black pets blend in well to the grey void color.

Loose Borders
There are places that should appear blocked off, but you can go there anyway! One example is the staircase in the castle den: you shouldn't be able to sit on the wall!

What other glitches are out there (besides the Skyway Glitch)? Comment with ideas!
k, the runnign twin thing happened right next to me one time, at appondale, and they kept running, and running, and running, and running, and running, so i said, "RUN FOREST RUN!!" lol!! but, then i saw the twin walk up the tree so, it freaked me out. A LOT!!!
That happened to me too! I saw my friends running twin, but it was just standing there. I said hi to the twin and then the real one came ro me and said hi and then i was confused
DeleteWeird glitch
Once I saw someone trying to do the zios skyway glitch and it had about 6 running clones! XD It was funny to watch but it started stuffing up my computer ... >.<
ReplyDeleteThat's crazy! It happened to me twice, made me kinda nervous. If you didn't notice this one was in the Juice Hut, but no one else saw!
the buddy glitch is annoying!
that happend to me too. and the one where you can walk around with out clicking
Deletei had a friend trying to do the zios glitch but then while she was running 5 of her was running in place!
i was a dolphin at the horse party i got alot of buddies for knowing an epic glitvh tand twin thing happened to me to also on my screen it was horse party but it said deep blue and i saw alot of sea animals and i said land shark cause there was a shark and i was on land X3
That once happened to me too! I was underwater and this dolphin kept on swimming in place, and there were like, I'm not kidding, fifteen of her! I was so astonished!!!!!!!
hmm one time i could walk on walls pretty fun and everyone saw it to
ReplyDeleteOnce I was changing my den super fast and the walls and floor came out of my den to the front lawn lol
ReplyDeleteone time, i was with a friend in a princess castle den, and we were outside near the wall, and someone came running down the wall!!! it freaked us out and we were laughing so hard. i don't know who it was though.
that happend to me
ReplyDeleteWOW! Great glitches Snowy! Well, Micyfuzz was in a glitch once. well, She was in her buddy's den and the wallpaper was on the groind but still the shape of the wall.... Creepy we laughed soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
ReplyDeleteWow! That seems really cool! I hope I see it sometime. Happy Jamming!
snowy come people say that they dont give a darn for glitches then 5 mins later there freaking out when it happens to them so i have 50 days left in membership left and i am gonna delete all my animals and be a non member artic wolf hope you like my glitch when it happens it takes alot of time to know how to do it well i know lots of glitches and they are awesome so in 50 more days check out my animal
well, there is the member item glitch
ReplyDeleteIm sure you know the glitch where non members seem to wear member stuff after their membership expires. If they click on something that replaces it, they cant put it back on. This is also the case with den items. I have the glitch, I have lava floor, but since I have no nonmember flooring, Im stuck with it ;D
I haven't seen the den glitch as much.
also, the twin thing happens when you're laggy, Ive only seen it on others in laggy and/or crouded servers/rooms
Can I see your floor? It seems awesome! Please buddy me I'm XxAlphaSpiritxX
Deletei have seen a non member at Play-As-Your-Pet-Party (its a new party) some nonmember was wearing stuff on his hamster!
ReplyDeleteThank you for telling about the member item glitch, I had been hoping to clear that up with a past member. It's a bit like the rumors I've heard. I didn't know about the den items though, thanks for telling about them! I hope AJ figures out its servers soon, I'm tired of all the wait time! Aren't you?
On the running twin it happened 2 me 2day!it was kinda wierd.
ReplyDeleteLol, you are welcome! I've seen the item glitch as early as last year. It's a pretty cool glitch, though. Especially my den glitch. People accused me of hacking, though, so it's a pain to have guests over. ^^'
If you ant any more info, just let me know. :)
OMG! thats awesome add me love1114 i have a new glitch it a coral canyon 1 u can fly to so add me is u wanna know and come to me and ask. ok?
ReplyDeleteSNOWYCLAW!!! guess what-
ReplyDeletethe running glitch happens about every single day... twice a day?
invisibility glich!!!
ReplyDeleteInvisible Trading Glitch happened to me before!
me too !!
Deletehey snowyclaw gess what?? if you want to a realy cool den glich go to pizzadrop's den it is an awesome glich!!!
Hi snowyclaw im kinda new at this but i know a lot of glitches do you think you can search me my username is myjammer and i could show you alot of them happy jamming myjammer
ReplyDeleteYou know the castle glitch right cause it rocks and if anyone know how to swim on land with a dolpihn tell me i need to know and snowy friend me
ReplyDeletei have seen the running twin glitch. i was at temple of zios in the water, when my friend all of a sudden my friend DOUBLED. one was on land while the other was in water running in place. one was saying let me help! while the other said, don't go! save me! creepy....
ReplyDeleteI got this weird glitch....
ReplyDeleteI put my phantom ice statue right on top of the fern. Randomly, it moves to another spot, no clicking anywhere. This happens a few times. Then..... I exit out of editing.... the ice statue is highlighted, and I can flip it around as if I was still editing! But it would appear normal to another Jammer. It seriously creeped me out.
i found the worst glitch for me!!!!!!! if i try to do the penguin in wolf party or swimming on land enough times and keep mess up a lot, then to my buddies i am invisable but on my screen im not. not fun. my friend unbuddied cuz i would not "show up" when i was right in front of her. we friends again. also when talking to cousin she could not see what i was saying :(
ReplyDeleteMy friend BigCatsRock101 had this den glitch. We where roleplaying and we went to the top of the den there as rainbow wallpaper and swirl floor just like it should be in the bottom of the den! Whats more she showed me a screencast (Movie) and her storage cant see it it was so wierd
ReplyDelete~Okeffenoke (Fire66300)
they blocked skyway glitches :( it stinks because the bad glitches r still here!!!
It's sorta funny when you were the one to discover a glitch first out of 10,000,000 jammers, isn't it? I mean, I don't even go around trying to find glitches often, and I clicked something and it just glitched. I worked with it for a while and found a much easier way to do it, and I've only shown 2 other people, who have never said a word. Maybe someone else discovered it? Because about ... Hmmmmmm a lot..... Know about the glitch now, but I know my friend told someone now lol. So anyway, hope to see you in Jamaa! Please send me gifts, so I may start a mailtime! -Lydiaplusawesome- p.s. I could start on YouTube and all of you could be on it! Snowyclaw, I'm terribly sorry if your taking this as advertisement, your the very best blog ever. And all you jammers who have to go saying rude things about Snowyclaw, your just trying to act all special and really, your no better than anyone else. So stop being haters and just stop acting all perfect. Just please, so we can make animal jam a better place for all players.
ReplyDeleteone time, i was in the pillow room, i saw 2 wolves sitting together, both speaking at the same time. somebody walked up to them and said they were ther same person. they had the same name, i looked at each of their users, both the same, so it must have been a glitch
ReplyDeletehello snowyclaw i am your biggest fan and i know a glitch you can go onto full servers on aldan but if it is too full you can see yourself on the loading screen
it scared me so much!! ^O^
ReplyDeleteim one of ur biggest fanz but here is a glitch
in best dressed go on it at the scame time as a friend then wehen u start playin you get a wolf girrafe or something like that like a wolf behind a giraffe
manythanks tinkleberry12523
I saw your website for the first time today and i love the glitches they are so funny :] i had a glitch happen to me i went to meet my buddy and i thought some one was copying her so i clicked on there profile and she was my buddy and had the same name and i thought that was strange :| it must of been a glitch my animal jam name is PinkyThePanda8 i started to years ago :)
ReplyDeleteLol i know a glitch in coral cayons pathaway meet horsegirl246810 Aug. 3 2:00 and i will show you it :D
ReplyDeletei have the same glitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUDDY MEH!!!! kimolimogirl ok?
DeleteHey one day I was walking and I found that my Derby Award was floating in Mid Air around the fountain.
ReplyDeleteThere was no Jammer by it!
ReplyDeleteIf i am my fox in my den i can sort of stand on the lake. Especially when you play. you pop up where you cannot walk
The den is tree-house den
i have a glitch! if u go 2 canyons pathway, (having 2 animals) go to the coral canyons entrance then change animals while ur changine run through it works! u go on the ther sine under that bridge thing, i should not mess up ur computer.
ReplyDeletei see people running around jamaa sometimes and they run right over buildings. i see it almost every day!