Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Pig Pool, Returning Paint Studio Items, + Early Play Wild Development

Hey jammers! Today's new item is the Pig Pool on sale at Jam Mart Furniture in 10 colours!
So cute!! Quite an odd item if you ask me, but I most certainly love the new pig den set. Over in Peck's Art Studio there are two returning items being sold in the brand new Paint Corner shop!

Speaking of Peck's Art Studio, if you place the Paint Easel (sold at the diamond shop / Epic Wonders) and click on Peck's face you can paint in the comfort of your own den! 
Lovely job there AJHQ! While reading WildWorks' Twitter account I came across an interesting article featuring AJ's CEO Clark Stacey. The article  revealed an early work in progress screenshot of AJPW:
Isn't it exciting seeing Animal Jam grow so much? It's crazy how far Animal Jam has come in recent years! You can read the article by clicking here. Happy jamming!!

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