Hey jammers, today's new item is in Sunken Treasures of Kani Cove. The Column, perfect for the new Lost Ruins den!

Plus, I noticed as I went through Jamaa shops, the dolphins and sharks in the plushie machines. I'm sure you guys have already seen this, but it is certainly exciting! I hope AJHQ comes out with these creations soon, what items should they have?

Something strange happened as well. When I was trying to do a skyway glitch when I clicked a game in my buddy's menu, and this popped up. Is this strange? A blank Best Dressed game?
That's it for now jammers, see you in Jamaa.

I think one of the shark plushies should have a surfboard in its mouth! That would be cool.
ReplyDeleteBlank Best dressed? Weird might be a bug :l like the talking bug they should really fix those :P i hate not getting to talk to other people and only letting them see my emotions :( doesn't happen often but it does happen. Also i have been getting when i log in this weird noise it's the noise when your picking a name for pet/animal when you pull the lever >:l it bugs meh if anyone hears the noise to please tell me i want to know its not just me
The shade(glasses)emote keep changing the shine in them.
ReplyDeletethe weirdest thing just happend on animal jam sorry if this is not the right place but o well
ReplyDeleteWe were at Brambleclaw28333's den and everything was fine then she clicked her den button it lead her to her den AGAIN even though she was in her den already i was there and i asked "Bramble weren't we just here?" then she started freaking out
anyways she is still freaking out i think that was once in a life time thing but i have seen it happen when the owner wasn't there
the den loads a bit then goes back to the den
weird right?
OMG! I sent AJ an email about having other animals in "The Claw Machine" and now they have dolphins and stuff! I was hoping for maybe a Big Foot plushies or Loch Ness plushie but that's still good!
ReplyDeleteI heard that metal sound too when I was logging in too!!! I think that monkeys should have to stay, most because non-members haven't got much animals already. I might buy a monkey because they will be a rare animal soon.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if anyone posted about this yet, but AJ HQ posted about the monkeys on the Daily Explorer too!
ReplyDeleteAnd, people keep copying my style, Grr
Maybe there will be a multi-buddy Best Dressed Buddy Game...?
The Marble Columm reminds me of Greece... XD
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea EagleEye!
ReplyDeleteI hear that noise all the time when I log in! It's super annoying. Don't worry Emeson it's not just you!
ReplyDeleteHi um also sometimes redfox I get that "sound" too
ReplyDeleteHey red fox that's a good idea I'd like a shark with a surfboard
ReplyDeleteI agree!
I know this is completely off topic, but on pottermore insider, it said that it would open in April! See for yourself!
:D Thank you!!! so my computers not messed up :D lets just hope it goes away... stupid metal sound i really think they should fix that bug >:( they really need to pay more atenshion
I've had that glitch before too!
Maybe, if they put dolphin toys, and shark toys in the Phantom Invasion game at Sol Arcade, they could have the Dolphin/Shark holding a surfboard!
Were you doing the Skyway glitch at Coral Canyons? if so the game icon might have been covering the Best Dressed Play button!
DId you see a sea turtle in the Claw Machine too?
Who plays WolfQuest? It's a game when you play as a wolf and enjoy the wildlife. It's WAY more real than Animal Jam wolves...
ReplyDeleteThey are so realistic. You must download the game, though.
Downloading the game is free, but it takes 22 minutes to load the game. So be patient. But don't X out while it's still downloading. If you can't wait, MINIMIZE the page then do a game you ushally do for now. I'm downloading right now. It's still loading, but I'm being patient. It's an AWESOME site though. I heard about it sooo much...
I love wolves. :)
Who thinks WolfQuest is a cool game????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey spirit wolf that was my idea :D
ReplyDeleteI LOVE wolfquest but I've finished the game so it's sorta boring now-_-
ReplyDeleteI mean spirit howl lol
ReplyDeleteI saw a turtle in the claw!!!Creepy that sea animals are there but Cool!!!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the Surfboard under the flipper, not in it's mouth...
Hey, I was thinking for a Big Foot plushies or Loch Ness plushie but that's still good! - Herman