Hey Jammers!
Are you guys loving the Jamaalidays? I am! I get so excited to see the new gift every morning, hehe! It helps to get me out of bed.
Have you seen AJHQ's new den? It's super cool!
You can find it under the epic dens tab located on the world map!
How neat is that?

This house is centered on the new Jamaaliday House. (This I unfortunately don't own because I spent my diamonds on my Arctic Fox, whoops!)
Today's den is based on a lovely plushie store.
I must admit that today's den is rather short, however rest assured that I'm working on a big den currently!
For the flooring and the walls, I've chosen Dust Striped Walls and a Wooden Floor.

I'm also using the small house den!
While this whole den isn't non member, it could be converted into one super easily.
Let's get started!
I highly recommend using shelves to line the walls of your store. By doing so, you can maximize your plushie capacity! (Plushpacity??)
Over in this area, I'm using a pennant banner from the lovely summer carnival to adorn the walls!
Do you guys looooove the new claw? While I miss the old design, I like that AJHQ is choosing to mix things up!
This racecar set is from last year's Jamaalidays. If you don't own one, fear not as they'll most likely be brought back into stores this month.
I loooooooooooooooooooooove organizing. I don't know what it is, but seeing things all neat and tidy makes me so happy.
*Stops writing to take photo of well - organized desk*
Line up your plushies by color, or by type. If you invite jammers to shop at your plushie store, now they'll be able to find things super easily!
Has anyone else been able to acquire the new plushies? I've played the claw for 3 straight hours with no luck.
Over on the other side of the room, I've kept things more or less the same!
Here I've organized them by color! Don't the pink plushies look pretty?
(Say that 5 times fast, I dare you.)
Choruss is incredibly helpful to her customers.
So jammers, I'm afraid to say that this wraps up this week's post. I'm sorry it was so short, however I'm working on a BIG den for next week, it just wasn't ready in time.
I'll see you in Jamaa!
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